3 Reasons your Business Should Invest in Quora

If you‘re looking to broaden your online visibility, Quora is a great place to invest some time.
Quora is one of the most underrated and underused tools at the disposal of business owners. It is a Q&A community that is all about building authority in a specific area and building relationships by answering questions with relevant and beneficial information.
No matter what industry you are in, there will be people on Quora who share similar ideas, interests, and passions as you. Right now there will be a discussion happening on Quora and it could be about something you‘re an expert in – isn‘t it about time you weighed in with your thoughts?
If you‘re struggling to see the benefit to Quora in your marketing strategy, here‘s three reasons you should invest today.
1. Inbound marketing
Quora allows you to give direct answers to questions. Your answers can be voted up or down by users and it‘s integrated with Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. As the internet becomes more convoluted with low quality content users are increasingly looking to places they know and trust – Quora is one of those places.
So long as your answers benefit the person asking the question, you can link to your own articles – it has be said that the Quora community frowns on self promotion, but if you add value to a discussion with your answer and your link does too, there‘s no reason you cannot link out.
2. Search engines
Quora‘s content is indexed by Google and the other major search engines. The content on Quora has a knack for ranking for long-tail keyword terms – terms that your website simply couldn‘t hope to rank for. Combine that with the inbound marketing opportunities above, and you have the opportunity to drive traffic to your website.
This doesn‘t just apply to those answering questions, either. If you ask an in-depth question with a link to a corresponding article, you can rely on Google to possibly rank that question for a lucrative keyword term.
3. Industry research
If you‘re currently writing an article for your blog or looking for fresh ideas for your marketing strategy, Quora is a great place to look because of the rich level of information from marketing professionals. It is a feeding ground for anybody researching on any topic and you‘re bound to find valuable information in the answers to questions.
Use the websites excellent search function to find questions related to your research. You might also like to add to a discussion to find new answers to the questions you have.
Your business needs to be in as many places as once to attract a diverse range of customers and the usual array of social networks that get mentioned are fast becoming saturated. Quora offers something new to business owners and although it can take a short while to gather steam in, it‘s a lucrative opportunity that must be capitalised upon.
You can sign up for a free account with Quora by visiting this link.