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The 3 golden rules for effective SEO in 2019

Search engine optimisation is essential if you want to find, build, and maintain an audience. Whether it’s for an eCommerce website or a personal blog, effective search engine optimisation is key to driving traffic to your page.

In 2019, and beyond, make sure you remember these three golden rules for the best quality SEO.

Quality content

Ultimately the quality of your content is what will determine your success. Getting people to your page is one thing, but if there’s nothing to capture their attention when they’re there it’s a wasted effort. Targeted, useful, and well-written content is still the foundation on which to build your SEO.

Invest the time to understand the core audience you’re hoping to attract. What kind of content do they want to see? What problems might they be looking for advice with? What insight can you provide them? Content that is written specifically to be keyword heavy often reads poorly, so focus on a natural flow to your sentences.

Choose the right keywords

Finding the right keywords on which to hinge your SEO efforts can be a challenge. Fortunately, there’s lots of help and advice out there on the web. Or, for more direct advice tailored to you, you can enlist the services of a specialist online marketing agency such as Epic New Media.

Choosing the right keywords relies on you displaying an understanding of your target audience and what they’re going to be searching for. The more you can put yourself into their mind, the better your keywords will be.

Show some restraint

One of the most common mistakes everyone makes when it comes to search engine optimisation is falling into the trap of trying to “brute force” it. Google, and other search engines, now monitor websites very closely to ensure they’re not employing overly aggressive SEO tactics.

Keyword stuffing is one of the most common examples of this in action. But, it can actually negatively impact your search rankings, and of course, lead your content to read in a very unnatural way. It’s much better to show some restraint and some intelligence in the SEO methods you employ.

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