Marketing on Pinterest – How to do it Right

Pinterest remains something of a lesser-known social networking site, particularly among brands. Marketers have only recently begun to embrace the site for their communication needs, which inevitably means that there are some examples of how not to do Pinterest marketing, as well as some of how to do it right.
A big part of Pinterest’s appeal, to both visitors and marketers, is thanks to how aesthetically pleasing the site is. And the way that it works makes it something of an Aladdin’s cave of new discoveries – perfect for wasting a lunch break.
For those not in the know, Pinterest allows users to create an online collage or board where thing of interest can be “pinned”. Users can have various boards for all sorts of topics, and the “pins” act as links to original content, be it a tasty recipe, tutorial for making a dress, a sought-after pair of shoes, the trailer for the latest vampire movie, or a blog post that will come in useful for work.
Because it is image based, Pinterest can instantly grab the attention of visitors, making it a perfect tool for marketers to embrace.
To get you started with marketing on Pinterest, here are our top tips:
- Include your business name on your username and profile for maximum exposure.
- Use the about section wisely, and include your website and contact info.
- Connect your other social media accounts for easy sharing to followers elsewhere.
- Pin things regularly, from lots of different sources. Variety is the spice of Pinterest!
- Use an appropriate selection of boards that relate to your company, industry and customers.
- Interact with other users by commenting, tagging and liking.
- Don’t be afraid to repin, but be careful not to do this more than you create your own original pins.
- Avoid over-promoting yourself – show that you are aware of others in your sector and are keen to start relationships, not just advertise your wares.
- Use videos to stand out – this is a growing area of Pinterest so it pays to be involved.
- Add a description to pinned images, using your business name where appropriate, as well as relevant keywords. This description stays with the image if it gets repinned by someone else.
- Utilise the iPhone app so you can pin on the go – great for when you discover something new at events or conferences.
- Ensure your website is optimised so that others can pin your content – this means an image with each post. No picture = no pin possibility.
- Make the most of seasonal holidays or current events with special boards.
- Use the Pinterest buttons to highlight your account. This can help encourage readers to follow you and pin your content.
As with all social media marketing efforts, utilising Pinterest takes time and effort. You must start with good intentions and carry them forward if you are going to make the most of Pinterest marketing. This means using the site regularly and interacting with others. Just beware of losing your own lunch break to discovering new things on Pinterest!